Providing unparalleled transparency and actionability

Discover insights within FreightFlows’ data.
Aggregate data sources into a single platform.
Quickly identify the most time-sensitive and relevant information to run your business.
Configurable and customizable reporting.
Dynamic and predictive position lists.
Identify when and where vessels will be available by analyzing individual market activity.
Rolling 14-day predictive vessel availability count by fleet type and region.
Know where they are and where they are going.
Plan more effectively with predicted vessel routes and dynamic ETA.
Drive down Vessel Demurrage by proactively managing congestion.
Evaluate and predict commercial port activity.
Analyze current and predicted port activity with a window into congestion levels, turnaround times, and vessel queuing.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, we are focused on delivering our data in the format that best suits our customers’ needs. Whether that be through our front-end, an offline spreadsheet report, or through an API, we have the ability to adapt to individual customer preferences.
While FreightFlows data and analytics are continuously computing, we are able to refresh the data at the cadence most useful to each of our customers. Whether that be intra-daily, daily, weekly, or something in between, we can fit into your process when you need it.